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Course Usage: Lesson

Step 1: Access Courses

Click [Courses] on the toolbar or visit


Step 2: Choose a course


Step 3: Click [Lesson] on the toolbar.

To search for lessons or materials, please enter the material title into the search bar and then press [Enter].


The system will display the search results. Click on [View] to see the information containing the search keyword.


2. Choose a topic

You will see a list of topics below.


Select any topic.

3. Choose another topic.

While viewing any topic, you can select another topic.

Step 1: Click on the topic menu to select a topic as shown in the picture.


The system will automatically display a list of all topics.

Note: In sequential learning mode, to open the next topic, you need to mark Understood for all documents in the current topic.


Step 2: Click on the topic you want to study.

4. Choose a material

In a topic, there are many materials to choose from. You can use the navigation bar to select a useful lesson ([Choose material])


Or you can easily select material using the Course Work Material interface on the right side of the screen.


5. How to study the next topics?

In sequential learning mode, to unlock the next learning topics, you need to click the Got It button to have a green checkmark on each lesson. Keep up with this to motivate yourself to study more diligently.


Note: The toolbar will display the number of lessons and exercises you have completed out of the total number of lessons in the topic. Please check and complete any missing lessons to progress to the next topic.


Once all the lessons have green checkmarks, the next topic will automatically unlock.


6. Discussion

Discussion for the course material usually gets updated automatically after one minute below each lecture video.


6.1. Send a comment

You can ask questions to the instructor or have quick discussions with other members in the class using the chat box, as shown in the image. CourseMind's Discussion feature provides complete tools for text formatting and interaction, such as inserting images, links, quotations, bold and italic text, copying links to comments, and more.


In addition, you can also reply underneath other people's comments, similar to social media platforms.


6.2. Edit comment

Click the [Edit] icon below your comment to edit your comment.


6.3. Delete comment

Click the [Delete] icon below your comment to delete your comment.


Press the [Confirm] button to confirm the deletion of the comment.


Note: The default mode is notification off. You can enable email notifications by clicking on the notification icon in the top right corner of the screen.