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Creating a course on CourseMind

1. Creating a course

Step 1: Access


Step 2: Select button [Add] to create a course.

Step 3: Input Course Title

Enter the name of your course. Then select [Next] to proceed with the following steps.


Step 4: Write a description for your course

You can compose a detailed description for your course, providing concise summaries of the essential topics you intend to teach or let AI do it for you by selecting Auto-Generate.


The result of AI Automatic Generation:


Step 5: Select the mode of your course

The course was designed in the modes below, which help students to keep track of their learning progress:

  • Open the next topic when students understand the previous one: Dynamic learning methodology that ensures students move forward to the next topic only when they have fully grasped the previous one.
  • Free Access Mode: With this mode, students have the flexibility to navigate through the course content freely, accessing any topic they wish to study.


Step 6: Choose Organization

Choose the organization to which your course belongs.


Step 7: Finsih

Select button [Finish] to create course.

2. View course's details.

The created course will appear in the [Courses you teach] section.


Click on the course to view detailed information or manage your course.


3. Edit Course

Step 1: Choose a course

Select Edit course to edit your course's information.


Step 2: Edit course's information


For detailed editing of each course information, please refer to the guide here.

Step 3: Save

Select [Update] to update course's information.

4. Manage Class

Please refer to the course management instructions for more details.