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Class Management: Administration

Step 1: Access

Step 2: Access a class that you manage.


Step 3: Select [Administration] on the toolbar.

1. Edit Course

Click on the section to modify the course information you desire, then press [Update] to update the details.

Course Information

Update course information.



Manage Organization. You can add, modify, or delete the organization that your course belongs to.


Click [Manage] to add organization.


Auto Approval

Turn on/ Turn off automatic approval of students for the course. When the automatic approval feature is enabled, students can join the class automatically without waiting for approval.


Course Image

Update Course Image.


Promotional Video

Manage promotional video for this course.


Click [Manage] to select promotional videos for the course.


Frequently asked question

Here, you can manage the frequently asked questions for the course, including adding, deleting, and changing the order of questions.


Click [Manage] to create or add frequently asked questions from FAQs bank for this course.


The FAQ screen interface is displayed in the course information section.


Trial Course

Add Trial course if you want.


Click [Manage] to select a trial course for your class.


Click [Trial course] in the course information interface to access the trial course.



Manage tags for your course.


Click [Manage] to create or add tags for this course.


QR Code

Manage QR code for your course.


Delete course

Click the [Delete Course] button to delete your course.


2. People

Select the [People] section.


2.1. Teaching Team

Click on [Teaching Team] to add, search, or remove teachers.


Press the search icon to search for teachers.

Click on the delete icon in the teacher's Actions section to remove the teacher from the class.

Click the [New] button to add a new teacher.


Enter the teacher's email address and press [Add] to add the new teacher to the course.

2.2. Student Team

Click on [Student Team] to manage the list of students and track their learning progress.


The system displays a list of students in the class along with the progress of each student:


  • The information includes: Student's name, Email, Progress, and other Actions (View, Delete).

2.2.1. Add Student

Click [New] to add a new student. You can add students in various ways, such as adding by email, adding from a group in your organization, or through your course:


1. Via email


Enter the student's email and press [Add] to add the new student.

2. From organization group

Select From organization group then select group.


Check the members you want to add to the class and click [Add] to complete.


3. From your course

Select From your course then select course.


Check the members you want to add to the class and click [Add] to complete.


2.2.2. Tracking Progress

Click the search icon on the toolbar to search for students.

Click [View] on the right corner of a student to see the detailed progress of each student:


The system will display student information and details of their progress in completing topics, assignments, and materials.

Click [Stats] to view detailed statistics by topic:


2.2.3. Send Email

Click [Send Email] to send an email to the students:


3. Reward

Click on the [Rewards] section to manage rewards.


The system will display a list of rewards you have created, including information such as Name, Image, Minimum Points, Maximum Points, and the option to Edit the reward.

3.1. Create Reward

Step 1: Click on [Add a reward] to create a new reward.


Step 2: Enter the reward details including: Reward name, Tag name, Reward description, State (draft or published), Minimum points to earn the reward, Maximum points, Badge.

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Step 3: Press [Save] to save the reward.

3.2. Edit Reward

Press [Edit] to enter the information you want to edit for the reward:

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Click [Save] to update the reward information.

3.3. Delete Reward

Click [Delete] to remove the reward.

4. Email System

View the detailed instruction here

5. Notifications

Select the [Notifications] section to view and manage notifications.


The system displays notifications when a new topic is added and allows you to perform tasks such as adding, editing, or deleting notifications.

5.1. Add notification

Click the [Add Notifications] button to create a new notification.

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Enter the notification details such as notification content, link, language, notification type, etc. and click [Create] to create the notification.

5.2. Edit notification

Click on the [Edit] icon to edit the notification.


Enter the necessary information to edit and press [Save] to update the notification.

5.3. Delete Notification

Click on the delete icon in the Actions section to delete the notification.


6. Coupon

Please visit the Link to manage class coupons.

7. Pricing Plan

Press the [Pricing Plans] section to proceed with managing the pricing plans.


7.1. Add Pricing Plan

Step 1: Click on the [+] icon to create a pricing plan for your course.

Step 2: Fill in the necessary information for the Pricing Plan.

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Step 3: Press [Save] to save the pricing plan.

7.2. View list of pricing plans.


The system will display a list of current pricing plans for the course, including:

  • Name
  • Description heading
  • Description
  • Price
  • State
  • Actions: Edit/Delete

8. Join Requests

Click on the [Join Requests] section on the toolbar to view and manage all the join requests for the course.


The system will display a list of information about the students who have registered for participation, the pricing plans they've chosen, their status, and other actions such as Approve Student, Remove Student, or Download Student List.

  • Pending List: This is a list of students who have registered and are waiting for approval to join the class.


Instructors can approve students, remove students, or download the list of students.

  • Approved List: This list includes students who have been approved and are currently studying in the class.


Instructors can check the expiration status of a student's course, edit student information, or download the list of students.

  • Created List: This list includes students who have viewed the course.


Instructors can approve students, remove students, or download the student list.