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Class Management: Edit Topic

Step 1: Access

Step 2: Access a class that you manage.


Step 3: Select the topic you want to manage learning materials for.

Click the Edit icon at the top right corner of the topic to begin editing/managing learning materials.

A. Manage SubTopic

A Subtopic can encompass multiple smaller materials of various types such as Videos, Multiple-Choice Questions, PDF files, Text, etc.

1. Create Subtopic for the topic.

Step 1: Choose [Add Subtopic].

Click [Add Subtopic] to begin adding a Subtopic for the topic.


Step 2: Enter information for the Subtopic.

Input Title and Description for the Subtopic.


Step 3: Save Subtopic

Press [Save] to create and save the Subtopic within the topic.


2. Copy Subtopic

Instead of creating a new Subtopic, you can easily duplicate from an existing one by following these steps:

Step 1: Choose [Copy From]

Click the [...] icon at the top right corner of the Subtopic, then select [Copy from].


Step 2: Select a course

Choose the course or enter the name of the course containing the Subtopic you want to duplicate.


Step 3: Choose the topic.

Click on a topic you want to copy the Subtopic to.


Step 4: Choose Subtopic

Select the Subtopic you want to duplicate.


Step 5: Copy

Press the copy icon in the Actions column to proceed with duplicating the Subtopic.

3. Edit Subtopic

Step 1: Choose the Subtopic you want to edit.

Click the [...] icon at the top right corner of the Subtopic you want to edit, then select [Edit].


Step 2: Edit Subtopic information.

Edit the information of the Subtopic you want, including: Title, Description, and State.


Step 3: Save

Press [Save] to save and update the edited information.

4. Drag and Drop Subtopic

You can easily and quickly change the position of subtopics by using the drag-and-drop action.


5. Delete Subtopic

Click the [...] icon at the top right corner of the Subtopic you want to delete, then select [Delete].


Click confirm to confirm the deletion.


B. Manage learning materials within Subtopic and topics.

6. Create materials for Subtopic.

Step 1: Select the Subtopic you want to add learning materials to.

Choose the Subtopic you want to add learning materials to. Press [+] to add a document.


Step 2: Select the material type.

Choose the type of material you want to add or Copy the material from another Course/Topic.


Step 3: Create the material

Enter the necessary information for the type of material you want to create.


View detailed instructions for creating each type of material at: Link

Step 4: Save

Press [Save] to save the material.

7. Select a material from the materials bank to add to the Subtopic.

Step 1: Choose the Subtopic you want to add materials to.

In the Subtopic where you want to add materials, click on the icon as shown below to select materials from the materials bank.


Step 2: Select a material.

Click to choose the Material Type.


Check the materials you want to add to the topic.


Note: You can press [Create] to create new materials as well.

Step 3: Add

Press the [Add] button to proceed with adding the selected materials from the previous step to the topic.

8. Drag and drop materials.

You can easily change the position of materials or move materials from this Subtopic to another Subtopic by using the drag-and-drop action.


9. Delete material.

Click on the [Delete] icon on the right side of the material you want to delete to proceed with deleting the material.


10. Managing Material Permissions

10.1. Request for Permission

Step 1: Choose Material

Click on the material you want to request permissions for.


Step 2: Request Access

Click [Request Access] to send a request for accessing the material.


10.2. Grant Permissions to Others

Step 1: Select the material

Click on the permissions icon on the material you want to grant permissions to others.


Step 2: Granting Permissions

There are two permissions you can grant to others: Edit Permission or View Permission. Click the [Add] button next to the permission you want to grant to start the permission assignment.


Step 3: Enter email

Enter the email of the user you want to grant permissions to.


Step 4: Confirmation

Click the [Add] button to confirm and complete the permission assignment.

10.3. Approve Permission Request

Step 1: Select the Material

Click on the permissions icon on the material you want to grant permissions to others.


Step 2: Approve Permission Requests

In the Requests tab, you can view the list of individuals requesting permissions to access the material and perform actions such as Approve or Decline the permission assignment.
