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Organization Management: Member

Step 1: Access

Step 2: Choose an organization


Step 3: Select Member icon on the toolbar.


1. Add Member

Step 1: Select [Add Member]

Press the [Add Member] button to add members to the organization.


Step 2: Enter member information

Enter member information to add a member to the organization, including:

  • First Name: Member's first name
  • Last Name: Member's last name
  • Email: Member's email
  • Role: Member's role in the organization. There are 4 roles for members in the organization: Owner/ Admin/ Teacher/ Student.


Step 3: Save

Click the [Add] button to save the member to the organization.

2. Bulk add members

If you have many students and want to save time adding them to the organization, you can bulk add members using the following instructions:

Step 1: Click on Upload

Click on the upload icon in the upper right corner of the screen to add a list of members.


Step 2: Download CSV template

Download the sample CSV file and review the provided instructions above.


Step 3: Enter the member information into the CSV file.

Complete the CSV file by entering the required information as instructed.


Step 4: Upload member list

Press the [Upload Member List] button to add them in bulk.


3. Member List

The system will display a list of all the members in the organization.


The member's information includes:

  • Role: The member's role in the organization.
  • Name: The member's name.
  • Email: The member's email address.
  • Added on: The timestamp when the member was added to the organization.
  • Actions: Allows performing actions related to that member, including Edit and Delete.

4. Edit Member

Step 1: Select a member

Select the member you want to edit by clicking the [Edit] icon in the Actions section of the member.


Step 2: Edit Member

Enter the information you want to edit. For members who have already logged in, you can only change the member's Role within the organization.


Step 3: Save

Press the [Save] button to save and update the edited information.

5. Delete Member

Step 1: Select a Member

Select the member you want to delete by clicking the [Delete] icon in the Actions section of the member.


Step 2: Delete Member

Press the [Confirm] button to proceed with deleting the member.
